Lobbying and promotion of business interests
Success in business is hardly possible without the creation of stable and effective channels of interaction with public authorities. The formation and effective use of such channels is down to systematic work to inform, educate and win over government officials and politicians for them to make decisions more beneficial to you and us.
One shouldn’t forget either the fact that the government and the state apparatus themselves are among the largest consumers of goods and services. Because of the fact that the decisions of the state bodies are connected with the adoption of the general law norms, the distribution of resources and tendering, a correctly set-up link between businesses and the government plays an important role in achieving success, positioning and promotion of the goods and also in winning leading positions on the market.
The significant advantage of retaining a professional lobbyist is the possibility of quick and easy resolution of contentious situations and company problems, suppression of possible conflicts in their infancy.
In practice, businesses are constantly faced with the effects on their interests of lobbying effectuated by their competitors. Given such circumstances, it often happens that the public authorities unknowingly create unfavorable conditions and artificial barriers that will become a serious obstacle for other companies working hard to enter the market or develop new products.
If a businessman is betting on the success and long-term development of his company, the conquest of new markets, he really has to up his level of lobbying and promotion of his company’s interests to a professional and systematic level.
In addition to the possibility of using traditional methods and techniques of lobbying accessible to a wide range of business practitioners, there are nevertheless key prerequisites that determine the success and effectiveness of promoting the interests of a business. These prerequisites are primarily confined in the specific qualities of the person who is lobbying and promotes the interests.
- Independence and self-sufficiency. The powers that be, politicians and society value an independent point of view.
- Professionalism and personal experience of working with the public authorities. Timely knowledge of facts, a deep knowledge of the subject and the specific examples are what is priceless.
- Non-partisanship and independence from the prevailing political trends. Business affairs are better represented on a non-political basis. Of course, the political nuances do have to be taken into account. But to each his own…
- Channels of communication with government officials and politicians that are stable and formed on the basis of professional cooperation which eventually turn into a personal friendship and trust.
- Tenacity and sufficient motivation displayed by a professional lobbyist. Professional work on the promotion of business interests require long hours of hard and persistent efforts; what is at stake is not only commercial benefits but also professional reputation.
- Practicality and usefulness. Politicians and government officials appreciate the practical and useful projects that they can take credit for in front of their constituents.
- Honesty and reputation. Politicians and the press know how to recognize fake credentials. Honesty is the policy that works.
I, acting in my capacity as a private consultant with relevant experience and qualities listed above, together with my partners, provide services in lobbying and promoting business interests in Russia, Switzerland, Italy:
- Formulation of a company’s position on the main issues of interaction with the government officials concerned;
- Representation of business interests in the government structures of Russia, Italy, Switzerland;
- Identifying government and public structures that will be useful to customers;
- Preparation of representation documents;
- Monitoring of relations with public authorities and promptly informing the customer about any developments that can affect the interests of their company (inspection, tender auctions, regulations and laws being prepared);
- Contributing to a company’s project winning in public competitions and investment programs;
- Exclusion and neutralization of unreasonable pressure on a company;
- Contributing to a reduced pressure on a customer company;
- Preparation of documents and the support and follow-up of a company when taking part in tenders and auctions at all stages prior to a decision.